Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday... a day late again!

What do you choose to wish for yourself asks Jamie in her amazing blog.
Today I wish for myself that I continue to be me and live my life.
  • I choose to be me
  • I choose to continue to explore my passions and follow them
  • I choose to find out more about my strengths and develop them
  • I choose to continue working on my doctorate no matter how much work it is
  • I choose to support my friend Charlotte in her new house-cleaning business and treat myself to domestic help for the first time in my life. I am so excited!
  • I choose to trust Charlotte to help me organize my house - not my strength, but it is hers.
  • I choose to support other people develop their strengths and passions.
  • I choose to be the best teacher I can possibly be.
  • I choose to continue loving and supporting the most amazing husband ever. (he's my third, and my last, and the BEST!!!)
I had an amazing meeting yesterday with my bosses at Monarch about my strengths and how I can use them at Monarch. I took a test, the Strengthfinders test, and my strengths are
  1. Ideation
  2. Adaptibility
  3. Input
  4. Empathy
  5. Intellection
They told me that three of these are strategic strengths and two are relationship strengths. I had never really thought of myself as strategic because I've never had the luxury of long term planning, but strategy can also be your ability to put the pieces together in the moment and come up with a solution. My forte. With Input, I can gather information about people around me. (My detective background) with my empathy, I can read into what they say. With my intellection I can use my brain and think about the situation, then my ideation comes up with a solution. Wow. When I look at this this way, they are a GREAT combination for my life.
I choose to be me. I choose to follow my own strengths and passions and make the world a beautiful place!


  1. Fantastic wishes!

    As you wish for yourself I so lovingly wish this for you also. xx

  2. Great wishes : )
    As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also!

    The strengths test looks interesting...
